Your Prayer Team is an anonymous, toll-free, 24-hour prayer and crisis hotline to reach the lost and hurt in our communities.
The network cares for people who are desperately seeking answers. Your Prayer Team allows the love of Jesus to be shared in an open, compassionate way. We also suggest local churches, ministries, or organizations that may help meet the needs.
Need Hope?
(877) 800-7729
(866) 987-7729

We have a free e-booklet for you called God and Me: Steps To Everyday Faith!
The booklet talks about having a personal relationship with Jesus and making him Lord of your life.

Discover Jesus Christ's transformative identity. Click here to explore His profound impact on humanity. Learn how His message of love, compassion, and redemption continues to inspire millions worldwide.
Pray Right Now for Others
Feel free to use one of our network of station prayer centers to add your prayer to the prayer walls. This is where listeners from the local stations can place their prayers and pray for other's prayer requests.
Prayer Walls
Pray for Others or Add Your Prayer Request
It seems God's name is used often on television and in movies, but in conjunction with cursing, not praise. He must be better advertised as a powerful source of love and help. People are hurting, frightened, alone, confused, and frustrated.
To counter this movement, we believe God is calling Your Prayer Team to advertise His love and concern for mankind's needs. We consider our ministry a missionary field to the cellular generation, always on the go and on the phone. In keeping with our current times, we designed a church to meet their spiritual and physical needs.
We advertise a toll-free phone number to call anytime, from anywhere, that reaches God's love and care through our loving, trained Prayer Ministers. The world must know that God cares and is an ever-present help in times of trouble. They must understand that a church family is the greatest strength in times of crisis.